In times of crisis we often get hyper focused on our own fear and feel disconnected from others. We start looking for solutions outside of ourselves, and focus on the things we can't do. We feel lost because our daily routine has been taken away from us.
Instead let's focus on the things we can do:
1. Every morning gives us the opportunity to set an intention for the day!
How do I want to show up today?
What do I need to do and how do I want to be while doing it?
2. Plan some time to be still and breathe. You can include your children in this practice.
Place a toy on their tummy and let them feel how they can lift the toy with their tummy on the inhale and how the toy lowers on the exhale. Ensure you are breathing deeply and slowly.
The slower breath calms your nervous system down, which helps you to respond rather than react.
3. Observe your mind. Notice if your mind is telling you that you are a victim of external events that you can't do anything about. Take a deep breath, let these stories go and focus on what you can do.
4. Go for a walk and be present (take your children):
Notice what is far away, notice what is close by.
Notice the different colours and shapes around you.
Notice something that captures your attention
Notice what you don't pay attention to.
Notice the sound around you.
Have you been to this place before? Have you noticed anything that you never noticed before?
5. Practice some movements that you like at home. Movement improves your mood and wellbeing. It can be strength or aerobic training, yoga and/or Pilates.
6. Ensure you eat healthy foods, they contribute to your mood and wellbeing.
7. Create a mantra that resonates with you to keep your vision clear. It could be something as simple as "better days ahead"
Once you have allocated time to get your head in the right space you will be able to make a plan on how to best manage your available time:
Maybe you can:
Seek support from government, friends, family
Do the things that always fall off the priority list but create a sense of achievement e.g.
Keeping in touch with family and friends via email, sms, zoom, facetime……..
Baking and freezing it for snacks when you don't have time
Colour in, paint, draw, doodle, find something that gives you joy
In the last snap lockdown, I finally repotted all my plants. It was so long overdue and my plants have thrived since then and have given me so much pleasure.
As John Kabat-Zinn says: "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."
We can use these challenges as an opportunity to grow, to unite our heart and our mind individually and as a community. We need challenges to grow and build the resilience within us.
No storm will last forever, but if we have the resilience, that place within us that will give us the strength to outlast any storm.