Why is balance so important in your life?
For endurance athletes, balance helps you run harder, bike longer and swim stronger. If you have good balance you move more efficiently and with better control.
We differentiate between 'static balance' and 'dynamic balance'. Static balance is holding our centre of mass over the base support while the body is stationary; e.g. standing on one leg, squats etc. Dynamic balance is required when your body moves.
There are many sports that require balance; apart from the obvious like
equestrian and
dynamic balance is needed for
tenpin bowling
table tennis and
lawn balls.
Most importantly there are many daily activities and things you love or have to do that require balance:
Playing with your children/grand children
Standing up from a seated position
Moving on a boat
Getting into your car
Walking up the stairs to your seat in a cinema or theatre
Standing on a ladder
If you think about it that way, balance helps you to maintain your freedom.
Balance also helps to reduce back pain as it strengthens your core.
Although there are many exercises to improve your balance, which I incorporate in the training programs for my clients, I find the best way to improve your balance is a regular yoga practice. Yoga works on improving your balance, not only physically but also mentally.
Committing to a regular yoga practice helps you to:
Stop, take a deep breath and regroup
Move with awareness
Listen to your body's feedback
Manage your thoughts
Improve your static balance
Improve your dynamic balance
Commit to at least one yoga practice per week and observe how your physical and life balance improves.